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Archive for the 'Links' Category

Grml 2024.12 – codename Adventgrenze

Friday, December 20th, 2024

We did it again™! Just in time, we’re excited to announce the release of Grml stable version 2024.12, code-named ‘Adventgrenze’! (If you’re not familiar with Grml, it’s a Debian-based live system tailored for system administrators.) This new release is built on Debian trixie, and for the first time, we’re introducing support for 64-bit ARM CPUs […]

Grml 2020.06 – Codename Ausgehfuahangl

Friday, July 3rd, 2020

We did it again™, at the end of June we released Grml 2020.06, codename Ausgehfuahangl. This Grml release (a Linux live system for system administrators) is based on Debian/testing (AKA bullseye) and provides current software packages as of June, incorporates up to date hardware support and fixes known issues from previous Grml releases. I am […]

Vortrag: Best Practices in der IT-Administration, Version 2018 @ GLT18

Tuesday, May 8th, 2018

Auf den Grazer Linuxtagen 2018 (GLT18) war ich als Referent mit einem Vortrag zum Thema “Best Practices in der IT-Administration, Version 2018” vertreten. In dem 25-minütigen Vortrag geht es um die moderne IT-Administration und welche Best Practices es im Jahr 2018 gibt. Es gibt den Vortrag als Videomitschnitt auf YouTube sowie in verschiedenen Formaten auch […]

mur.strom: Podcast über Debian

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

mur.strom ist ein Podcast aus Graz rund um Technologie und Gesellschaft. Am 6. Jänner wurde eine neue Folge veröffentlicht, in der es um das Debian-Projekt geht. Sebastian Ramacher und ich waren die Interview-Gäste, viel Spaß beim Hören der ~1h 43 Minuten:

DebConf15: “Continuous Delivery of Debian packages” talk

Monday, August 24th, 2015

At the Debian Conference 2015 I gave a talk about Continuous Delivery of Debian packages. My slides are available online (PDF, 753KB). Thanks to the fantastic video team there’s also a recording of the talk available: WebM (471MB) and on YouTube.

GLT15: Slides of my “Debian 8 aka jessie, what’s new” talk

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

I wasn’t sure whether I would make it to Linuxdays Graz (GLT15) this year so I didn’t participate in its call for lectures. But when meeting folks on the evening before the main event I came up with the idea of giving a lightning talk as special kind of celebrating the Debian jessie release. So […]

Event: Streitgespräche am 05.12.2013 + 06.12.2013 im ESC

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

Copy/Paste von Streitgespräche am 05.12.2013 und 06.12.2013 – 19 Uhr Piep, Piep, Piep, wir haben uns alle lieb? Von wegen! möchte die Macht des guten alten Streitgesprächs, des gepflegten Meinungsaustauschs, der erbitterten Kontroverse, der lautgedachten Erörterung, des abendlichen Gedankenaustausches, des freundlichen Meinungsgefechts, etc. wiederbeleben! Darum richten wir erstmals an zwei aufeinander folgenden […]

Event: Infracoders Graz Treffen am 09.10.2013

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Edmund Haselwanter­ hat mich eingeladen beim ersten Treffen der Infracoders Graz über das Thema “Continuous Integration im Rechenzentrum” zu reden. Dieser Einladung folge ich sehr gerne und werde basierend auf meinem Vortrag von der OSDC über Themen wie Continuous Integration/Delivery, Jenkins, jenkins-debian-glue, Puppet und mcollective referieren. Wann: Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013, 19:00 Uhr Wo: BYTEPOETS […]

OSDC 2013: Folien zu Continuous Integration im Rechenzentrum

Friday, April 19th, 2013

Ich bin zurück von der Open Source Data Center Conference 2013, sehr schön war es. Die Vortragsfolien zu meinem Vortrag “Continuous Integration im Rechenzentrum” habe ich soeben hochgeladen: PDF (4,4MB)

Event: OSDC 2013

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

I’ll be speaker at the Open Source Data Center Conference 2013 in Nuremberg/Germany on 17th and 18th April, talking about Continuous Integration/Delivery in the data-center. I was speaking at OSDC back in 2009 and very much enjoyed the conference – so I’m totally looking forward to OSDC 2013, hope to see you there!

October 2012: recordings from several IT conferences available

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

In the last few days several IT events published recordings/slides from their events. I haven’t had the time to take a closer look at the material yet but there might be some gems among them so I thought it’s worth spreading the word: Devopsdays Rome/Italy 2012: videos from the talks PuppetConf 2012: videos from the […]

jenkins-debian-glue: Continuous Integration for Debian and Ubuntu made easy

Monday, August 27th, 2012

jenkins-debian-glue is an open source project of mine which recently celebrated its first birthday and it’s time to finally write about it. jenkins-debian-glue allows you to build Debian and Ubuntu packages directly from the Jenkins continuous integration system. It retrieves package sources from a version control repository, adjusts debian/changelog (handle version number + mention changes […]

Grazer Linuxtage 2012: Call for Lectures

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Am Samstag, dem 28. April finden heuer wieder die Grazer Linuxtage statt! Die Suche nach Vorträgen und Projektständen wurde soeben offiziell eröffnet. Wenn du ein spannendes Thema oder Projekt hast, über das du vor einem interessierten Publikum reden möchtest ist das deine Chance. :) Die Grazer Linuxtage feiern heuer ihren 10. Geburtstag(!) und wir erwarten […]

commit-sounds – make committing more fun

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

December, release time. I’m currently involved in the release management of three major projects and it’s not always about fun. So lets make it more fun:

Rocking Zsh: directory specific shell profiles – Screencast

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

The “Directory specific shell configuration with Zsh” is a rocking feature I use in all my projects when working on the command line. I just created a screencast where I’m showing this feature in action, including its configuration: This embedded video doesn’t work for you? Try heading over to YouTube. Since its my first screencast […]

Open Source Projects using Jenkins

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

For a (german) talk I’ll be giving soon I was interested in a list of open source projects which use Jenkins. Jenkins is a great open source continuous integration server. I was wondering whether such a list exists but since it doesn’t exist yet I created my own and Kohsuke Kawaguchi (creator of Hudson/Jenkins) suggested […]

Event: 20 Jahre Linux – WKO/Graz

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Die Open Source Experts Group Steiermark veranstaltet am 1. September 2011 das Event “20 Jahre Linux” in Graz. Gemeinsam mit Alfred Bach, Jan Kleinert und Klaus Knopper bin ich als Vortragender anzutreffen. Ich würde mich über ein paar bekannte Gesichter im Publikum freuen. Der Eintritt ist frei, weitere Details unter

Review: Das Git-Buch

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Ich habe soeben “Das Git-Buch – Verteilte Versionsverwaltung für Code und Dokumente” von Valentin Haenel und Julius Plenz gelesen. Das deutschsprachige Buch füllt 328 Seiten und konkurriert mit freien Büchern wie dem Git Community Book, Pro Git und Git In the Trenches. Das Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches sieht wie folgt aus: Einführung und erste Schritte Grundlagen […]

The Zsh Pony

Friday, July 29th, 2011

I was giving a skills exchange session about Zsh at DebConf 11. I wasn’t expected to prepare the session, but since there was no video projector available in the meeting room I started to work on some notes. Looks like I suffer from presentation driven development, so the notes turned out to become bigger than […]

Grml 2011.05 – Codename Just Mari

Monday, May 30th, 2011

I’m proud to be able to announce a new stable release of Grml, the Debian based Live system for system administrators. This release is a very special one for me. On the one hand of course because of the special release name “Just Mari”, being dedicated to my lovely wife. But it’s also special because […]