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Archive for the 'English' Category

jenkins-debian-glue: Continuous Integration for Debian and Ubuntu made easy

Monday, August 27th, 2012

jenkins-debian-glue is an open source project of mine which recently celebrated its first birthday and it’s time to finally write about it. jenkins-debian-glue allows you to build Debian and Ubuntu packages directly from the Jenkins continuous integration system. It retrieves package sources from a version control repository, adjusts debian/changelog (handle version number + mention changes […]

commit-sounds – make committing more fun

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

December, release time. I’m currently involved in the release management of three major projects and it’s not always about fun. So lets make it more fun:

FAI: switch from Subversion to Git

Saturday, November 5th, 2011

Revision one in the Subversion repository of the FAI project dates back to the 27th of June 2000. Over the last few months we were discussing the switch to Git. At the last FAI meeting we decided to finally switch to Git and I volunteered to drive the migration. Today I officially did the migration. […]

Rocking Zsh: directory specific shell profiles – Screencast

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

The “Directory specific shell configuration with Zsh” is a rocking feature I use in all my projects when working on the command line. I just created a screencast where I’m showing this feature in action, including its configuration: This embedded video doesn’t work for you? Try heading over to YouTube. Since its my first screencast […]

Open Source Projects using Jenkins

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

For a (german) talk I’ll be giving soon I was interested in a list of open source projects which use Jenkins. Jenkins is a great open source continuous integration server. I was wondering whether such a list exists but since it doesn’t exist yet I created my own and Kohsuke Kawaguchi (creator of Hudson/Jenkins) suggested […]

Use of VCS in Debian packages – some stats

Friday, August 19th, 2011

Everyone loves stats, ok well – at least I do. I was doing some research with regards to package maintenance within the Debian distribution and since the results might be interesting for someone else – there we are. On 19th of August 2011 there have been: 16935 unique source packages in Debian/sid 9977 packages with […]

The Zsh Pony

Friday, July 29th, 2011

I was giving a skills exchange session about Zsh at DebConf 11. I wasn’t expected to prepare the session, but since there was no video projector available in the meeting room I started to work on some notes. Looks like I suffer from presentation driven development, so the notes turned out to become bigger than […]

Creating 32bit Debian packages in 64bit environments

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

i386 systems are dying off and therefore building 32bit Debian packages in 64bit environments is important if you still need packages for i386. For some recent projects I had to set up 64bit-only environments with the need to provide 32bit packages for i386 as well as according i386 Linux kernel packages. 1) Common Debian packages […]

Create virtual disk images using grml-debootstrap

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

Background: Lars Wirzenius was searching for a tool to create virtual disk images. Turned out I needed something similar to improve the automatic deployment process of a customer’s platform installation. Being the author of the mentioned grml-debootstrap tool I started to work on deploying virtual disk images using grml-debootstrap. As a result I just uploaded […]

Grml 2011.05 – Codename Just Mari

Monday, May 30th, 2011

I’m proud to be able to announce a new stable release of Grml, the Debian based Live system for system administrators. This release is a very special one for me. On the one hand of course because of the special release name “Just Mari”, being dedicated to my lovely wife. But it’s also special because […]

I am going to DebConf11

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Just registered myself for DebConf11, see you in Banja Luka.

Report from FAI developer meeting 04/2011

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

Last week a developer meeting of the FAI project took place in Cologne/Germany. Four core developers (project lead Thomas Lange and 3x Michael :)) met for two days to discuss and work on the FAI project. The first day (2011-04-14) started at 11:45 and lasted until around 21:15, the second day (2011-04-15) started at 11:00 […]

Grml User Survey 2011 – the results

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

The results of the Grml User Survey 2011 are available. I strongly recommend any open source project to run such a survey. Besides gathering really interesting feedback it’s motivating for developers to read what people think about your product. Interesting facts for Planet Debian readers: With a leading 86% our users are Debian users. Further […]

Grml User Survey 2011

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Grml users out there: We are interested in getting your feedback so we can further improve Grml. We are also working on a webpage which lists happy Grml users and also some quotes and use cases. Now we need your help: Please provide your feedback and take part in Grml’s user survey!

Booting ISO images from within GRUB2

Friday, January 7th, 2011

You might be aware of GRUB’s loopback option for booting an ISO, I wrote about it in Boot an ISO via Grub2 more than a year ago. A few months ago Goswin von Brederlow came up with this idea: grml functions great as rescue system. So it would be nice to have a boot entry […]

Simple DNS in chroots

Friday, January 7th, 2011

Update: Ulrich ‘mru’ Dangel suggested pdnsd as nice alternative to dnsmasq and Cyril ‘KiBi’ Brulebois pointed out, that it’s not necessary to invoke dnsmasq after fresh installation as it’s running by default then – I adjusted the text accordingly, thanks for the pointers! If /etc/resolv.conf doesn’t provide any nameserver entries glibc[1] will automatically initialize the […]

LART of the day – the solution

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Remember my LART of the day? It looked like: % cat foo.c int main() { return 0; } % gcc foo.c foo.c:1: fatal error: can’t open /tmp/ccxgyEhb.s for writing: Permission denied compilation terminated. Congratulations to sunckell and Bernd for guessing the right answer. Additionally to the blog comments (which I delayed through moderation to give […]

LART of the day – guess what’s wrong

Friday, October 29th, 2010

Update: see LART of the day – the solution for the solution. % cat foo.c int main() { return 0; } % gcc foo.c foo.c:1: fatal error: can’t open /tmp/ccxgyEhb.s for writing: Permission denied compilation terminated. Uh?! Ok, does the file exist? Do I have write permissions? gcc ok? % pwd /tmp % ls -lad […]

DebConf10: done

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Finally I’m back from DebConf10 in New York. It was the first DebConf I attended and it was just great. Thanks a lot to all involved people for making DebConf such a great event. I had a big todo list for DebCamp and DebConf and managed to get a bunch of work done. Besides several […]

Event: System Administrator Appreciation Day 2010 in New York

Friday, July 30th, 2010

On each last Friday of July the annual System Administrator Appreciation Day is taking place. Matt Simmons organized a SysAdmin Day Meetup to celebrate this event in New York. If you’re in New York on 30th of July consider registering yourself (it’s free and takes just a few seconds). If you are participant of the […]