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Archive for the 'Computer' Category

Event: AFS-Workshop 2008 in Graz

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Für Leute die tiefergehendes Interesse am Thema AFS (Andrew File System) haben ein Hinweis auf ein Event in Graz: Von 24. bis 26. September 2008 findet am SPSC-Institut an der TU Graz der “European OpenAFS Workshop 2008” statt. Weitere Details auf

Event: Linuxwochenende 2008 im Metalab

Friday, July 25th, 2008

Nicht vergessen: das Linuxwochenende 2008 findet am 20. und 21. September im Metalab in Wien (sehenswerte Location!) statt. Call for Papers läuft noch bis 31. Juli.

LinuxTage 2008 in Österreich (3. Update)

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

1. Update am 27.03: großes Update gegenüber dem 8. Februar 2. Update am 07.05: Linuxwochenende und Dornbirn hinzugefügt, bisschen aufgeräumt 3. Update am 26.06.: Termin für Dornbirn und Link für Linz ergänzt Und damit niemand sagen kann, dass er es nicht rechtzeitig gewusst hat: Krems: 15. April (done) Graz: 19. April (done, ich war dabei) […]

Event: Datamining a Million Dollars (Vortrag / Graz)

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

Via TU Graz-Newsgroup: Titel: Datamining a Million Dollars Vortragende: Andreas Toescher und Michael Jahrer TU Graz Wann: Mittwoch, 25. Juni, 17:00 Wo: Hörsaal I11 (Inffeldgasse, TU Graz) Abstract: Im Oktober 2006 startete der online DVD-Verleih Netflix einen weltweiten Data-Mining Wettbewerb mit einem Preisgeld von 1 Million Dollar. Ziel dieses Wettbewerbes ist es, die Genauigkeit des […]

Logitech Cordless Presenter

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

My targus wireless multimedia presenter seems to be broken so I needed a new device. The Logitech Cordless Presenter won the match. The Kensington Presenter is nice, but Logitech provides the best presenter stick I’ve ever seen. :) Karl wrote a nice overview already so I’ll just add the notes regarding Linux. What the device […]

Kensington Wireless Presenter (Update)

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Update: just noticed that the power button is the USB part of the device. So just plug in the USB part into the presenter device will turn the device off. Tricky but nice. :) The Kensington Wireless Presenter just works. The keymapping when using on Linux: top/laserpointer: keycode 71 (being “F5”, which starts the presentation […]

OpenOffice Impress: Dualhead Presentation mode (Update)

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

Update on 2008-05-22: check out – the presenter-screen extension is available for current OpenOffice 3.0 beta version now (thanks for pointer to Stefan Weigel) Besides some other issues (not being relevant for the topic I’m blogging about) OpenOffice Impress ("the Powerpoint of the free Office suite") has one major drawback: lack of reasonable dualhead […]

Buch: Building a Monitoring Infrastructure with Nagios

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Building a Monitoring Infrastructure with Nagios von David Josephsen ist ein rund 200 Seiten leichtes Buch über das Open-Source Monitoring Tool Nagios. Das Buch ist in leicht verständlichem Englisch gehalten. Ich finde die Idee von Noses, bei Rezensionen das Inhaltsverzeichnis wiederzugeben kopierenswert, daher: Introduction CHAPTER 1 Best Practices CHAPTER 2 Theory of Operations CHAPTER 3 […]

Terratec Cinergy T² USB DVB-T and Linux

Monday, May 5th, 2008

D’oh, forgot this blog entry in the drafts… Pretty old, but maybe useful for anyone out there anyway…. So: Since more than a year I’ve a DVB-T USB device, a Terratec Cinergy T². Of course I want to use it on my Debian-based grml system. It’s really easy to set it up: # tail -f […]

Solaris: Network Configuration

Monday, May 5th, 2008

If you are new to Solaris one of the first things you might have to adjust is the network setup. If you are coming from the Linux-way-of-live the involved steps might be a bit uncommon for you. My description is refering to default Solaris EXCE (build 87) and OpenSolaris 2008.05 (build 86_rc3) systems. I’m describing […]

A look at OpenSolaris… (Update)

Monday, May 5th, 2008

Update on 2008-05-05: the stable release of OpenSolaris (2008.05) ships the pcn driver, updated the according section in this blog entry. % cat /etc/release Solaris Express Community Edition snv_87 X86 Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Assembled 07 April 2008 Well, I wanted to take a look […]

grml-vnet – create persistent tun/tap devices with integrated bridge handling

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Additionally to grml-router (set up your box as NAT-router), grml-bridge (set up your box as bridge) and grml-ap (set up your box as access point) thanks to Gebi the current grml versions provide a simple script named grml-vnet. grml-vnet is a script to create persistent tun/tap devices with integrated bridge handling. It’s a nice feature […]

iotop – simple top-like I/O monitor for Linux

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Linux has always been able to show how much I/O was going on (the bi and bo columns of the vmstat 1 command). iotop is a Python program with a top like UI used to show of behalf of which process is the I/O going on. It requires Python ≥ 2.5 and a Linux kernel […]

gitosis – git repository hosting application

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Quoting the package description of Debian’s gitosis: gitosis aims to make hosting git repos easier and safer. It manages multiple repositories under one user account, using SSH keys to identify users. End users do not need shell accounts on the server, they will talk to one shared account that will not let them run arbitrary […]

GLT08: Sysadmin Talk

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

At linuxdays Graz I held my talk about "Systemadministration++". I was telling my audience mainly stuff I collected for It was the first time I could use the lessig method for presentation. First time, and could? Yes, because when using the lessig method to be able to use a presenter screen a dual head […]

Linux kernel driver <-> device mapping (Update)

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

Update: thanks for mentioning ethtool, Robert Fischer A common sysadmin task is to locate a specific device and identify which driver is responsible for it. Usage examples to identify a WLAN device on Linux: Not so well known yet – pciutils >=2.2.9. provides switch ‘-k’ for lspci: % lspci -k […] 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel […]

“Slow DOWN, please!!!”

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Wer die LKML nicht mitliest, aber am Workflow von Open-Source-Entwicklung interessiert ist, sollte unbedingt in den Thread "Slow DOWN, please!!!" hineinlesen. Ausgelöst von David ‘Mr. SPARC and Network’ S. Miller, geht es um die Frage, wie man die enorm vielen Patches und damit einhergehende Bugs/Regressionen im Merge-Window besser in den Begriff bekommen könnte. Natürlich ist […]

Extended Vim

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Click for the large version: [shot by Sven Guckes]

know-how != know-how

Monday, April 21st, 2008

So nahe und doch so fern…

Friday, April 18th, 2008

Musik von Ed Partyka unter Windows anhören: