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Archive for the 'Bücher & CO' Category

German Online-Book: Linux Treiber entwickeln (german)

Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

I just found out that “Linux Treiber entwickeln – Eine systematische Einführung in Gerätetreiber für den Kernel 2.6” by Jürgen Quade and Eva-Katharina Kunst (ISBN://3-89864-238-0) is available online. You might know parts of it from the german version of Linux Magazin. Have fun and enjoy reading it! :-)

Book: Linux Server Hacks

Monday, December 27th, 2004

Linux Server Hacks by Rob Flickenger (ISBN: 0-596-00461-3) is a collection of 100 tips and tricks for servers running linux. I read the german version (ISBN: 3897213613) and enjoyed it. First of all I like the short “stories” because it’s possible to savour the book when you’ve just a few minutes of spare time. About […]

Software-Magazine: Software 2.0 Extra

Tuesday, December 14th, 2004

While checking for new magazines at the bookstore I discovered Software 2.0 Extra. The magazine is published by Software Wydawnictwo. That’s the company you might know from their other magazines like Linux+, Hakin9 or PHP Solutions. AFAICS there have been already two releases of the german version of “Software 2.0 Extra”, the current one covers […]

rootserver, postfix, zsh, grml,…

Wednesday, November 24th, 2004

My blog looked like dead in the last few days, I know. Sorry for that, but my load was and still is quite high again. ;-( In the last few days I set up my own rootserver. Apache, Apache-SSL, MySQL, Courier and Postfix are doing their job now. If you can read this message it […]


Saturday, November 13th, 2004

Yesterday the admins of the mailserver in VC-Graz activated authentication. I was using exim because setting it up via debian’s eximconfig using a smarthost was quite trivial. Now it was time for changing to Postfix. Setting up postfix was done in a few minutes and I wrote down the required steps. Since a few weeks […]

Paper: Stream Ciphers + Book: Computer Security

Tuesday, October 19th, 2004

Till yesterday (18th of october) I had to finish my essay on stream ciphers for IPICS04. It is available online (PDF, 141kb) . It has been the first time I was using BibTex “productive”. Whereas I was using Vim for editing literature.bib in the beginning I took a short look at gBibg (thanks for the […]

Thomas Bernhard: Der Untergeher (german)

Monday, September 20th, 2004

Man nenne mich ignorant oder auch Bernhard-Nichtkenner. “Der Untergeher” von Thomas Bernhard ware ein Versuch von mir, wieder mal österr. Literatur zu schnuppern. Die Geschichte dreht sich um drei Pianisten die nur das Höchste als die wahre Kunst gelten lassen. Eine nette Geschichte, dachte ich mir beim Buchkauf. Bei ungefähr der Hälfte des schmalen Buches […]