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Archive for 2012


Monday, December 31st, 2012

On 31st of December 2012 my lovely wife has made ​​me the gift of my life: welcome to the world, Verena.

Neue Anschrift

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

Rund 4,5 Jahre später ist es nochmals soweit: ich bin gesiedelt, wieder innerhalb von Graz, diesmal in etwas (zumindest geplant) langlebigeres. Die neue Adresse findet man wie üblich im Whois-Record meiner Domains.

October 2012: recordings from several IT conferences available

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

In the last few days several IT events published recordings/slides from their events. I haven’t had the time to take a closer look at the material yet but there might be some gems among them so I thought it’s worth spreading the word: Devopsdays Rome/Italy 2012: videos from the talks PuppetConf 2012: videos from the […]

Jenkins: marking an upstream job as failed if its downstream job fails

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Since I’m not aware of a ready-to-go solution, this issue once again came up at a company where I’m doing Jenkins/CI consulting for and the solution involves some trickiness you need to be aware of I’m hereby documenting it. If you have a build pipeline inside your Jenkins setup you might have so called upstream […]

How geeks celebrate a birthday AKA bin2dec

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Far away from Rosetta Code, but that’s what Frank and I came up with when explaining 100000₂: Guile: guile <<< \#b100000 guile -c ‘((@@ (ice-9 format) format) #t “~d~%” #b100000)’ Racket: racket -e ‘#b100000’ Ruby: ruby -e ‘puts “100000”.to_i(2)’ Python: python -c ‘print int(“100000”, 2)’ Perl: perl -e ‘print 0b100000’ Zsh: zsh -c ‘print $((2#100000))’ […]


Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

jenkins-debian-glue: Continuous Integration for Debian and Ubuntu made easy

Monday, August 27th, 2012

jenkins-debian-glue is an open source project of mine which recently celebrated its first birthday and it’s time to finally write about it. jenkins-debian-glue allows you to build Debian and Ubuntu packages directly from the Jenkins continuous integration system. It retrieves package sources from a version control repository, adjusts debian/changelog (handle version number + mention changes […]

Kritik: 123gold / Trauring-Lounge Graz

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

So, dieser Blogartikel gurkt schon ewig in den Entwürfen rum, also endlich mal raus damit… Die “123gold Trauring-Lounge Graz” hat am 1. März 2011 ihr Geschäft eröffnet. Das kam gerade recht für das Event des Jahres und so haben meine Liebste und ich uns dort nach einem passenden Paar Trauringe umgesehen. Die Verkäuferin Frau S. […]

Grazer Linuxtage 2012: Call for Lectures

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Am Samstag, dem 28. April finden heuer wieder die Grazer Linuxtage statt! Die Suche nach Vorträgen und Projektständen wurde soeben offiziell eröffnet. Wenn du ein spannendes Thema oder Projekt hast, über das du vor einem interessierten Publikum reden möchtest ist das deine Chance. :) Die Grazer Linuxtage feiern heuer ihren 10. Geburtstag(!) und wir erwarten […]