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Archive for the 'Computer' Category

Installing Debian in UEFI mode with some stunts

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

For a recent customer setup of Debian/wheezy on a IBM x3630 M4 server we used my blog entry “State of the art Debian/wheezy deployments with GRUB and LVM/SW-RAID/Crypto” as a base. But this time we wanted to use (U)EFI instead of BIOS legacy boot. As usual we went for installing via Grml and grml-debootstrap. We […]

Ten years of Grml

Monday, December 22nd, 2014

On 22nd of October 2004 an event called OS04 took place in Seifenfabrik Graz/Austria and it marked the first official release of the Grml project. Grml was initially started by myself in 2003 – I registered the domain on September 16, 2003 (so technically it would be 11 years already :)). It started with a […]

Book Review: The Docker Book

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014

Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers. I’m responsible for a docker setup with Jenkins integration and a private docker-registry setup at a customer and pre-ordered James Turnbull’s “The Docker Book” a few months ago. Recently James – he’s working for Docker Inc – released the first version […]

kamailio-deb-jenkins: Open Source Jenkins setup for Debian Packaging

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Kamailio is an Open Source SIP Server. Since beginning of March 2014 a new setup for Kamailio‘s Debian packages is available. Development of this setup is sponsored by Sipwise and I am responsible for its infrastructure part (Jenkins, EC2, jenkins-debian-glue). The setup includes support for building Debian packages for Debian 5 (lenny), 6 (squeeze), 7 […]

Building Debian+Ubuntu packages on EC2

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

In a project I recently worked on we wanted to provide a jenkins-debian-glue based setup on Amazon’s EC2 for building Debian and Ubuntu packages. The idea is to keep a not-so-strong powered Jenkins master up and running 24×7, while stronger machines serving as Jenkins slaves should be launched only as needed. The project setup in […]

Jenkins on-demand slave selection through labels

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Problem description: One of my customers had a problem with their Selenium tests in the Jenkins continuous integration system. While Perl’s Test::WebDriver still worked just fine the Selenium tests using Ruby’s selenium-webdriver suddenly reported failures. The problem was caused by Debian wheezy’s upgrade of the Iceweasel web browser. Debian originally shipped Iceweasel version 17.0.10esr-1~deb7u1 in […]

Full-Crypto setup with GRUB2

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Update on 2014-03-03: quoting Colin Watson from the comments: Note that this is spelled GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y in GRUB 2.02 betas (matching the 2.00 documentation though not the implementation; not sure why Andrey chose to go with the docs). Since several people asked me how to get such a setup and it’s poorly documented (as in: I […]

State of the art Debian/wheezy deployments with GRUB and LVM/SW-RAID/Crypto

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Moving from Lilo to GRUB, using LVM as default, etc throughout the last years it was time to evaluate how well LVM works without a separate boot partition, possibly also on top of Software RAID. Big disks are asking for partitioning with GPT, just UEFI isn’t my default yet, so I’m still defaulting to Legacy […]

Event: Streitgespräche am 05.12.2013 + 06.12.2013 im ESC

Wednesday, November 27th, 2013

Copy/Paste von Streitgespräche am 05.12.2013 und 06.12.2013 – 19 Uhr Piep, Piep, Piep, wir haben uns alle lieb? Von wegen! möchte die Macht des guten alten Streitgesprächs, des gepflegten Meinungsaustauschs, der erbitterten Kontroverse, der lautgedachten Erörterung, des abendlichen Gedankenaustausches, des freundlichen Meinungsgefechts, etc. wiederbeleben! Darum richten wir erstmals an zwei aufeinander folgenden […]

Event: Infracoders Graz Treffen am 09.10.2013

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Edmund Haselwanter­ hat mich eingeladen beim ersten Treffen der Infracoders Graz über das Thema “Continuous Integration im Rechenzentrum” zu reden. Dieser Einladung folge ich sehr gerne und werde basierend auf meinem Vortrag von der OSDC über Themen wie Continuous Integration/Delivery, Jenkins, jenkins-debian-glue, Puppet und mcollective referieren. Wann: Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013, 19:00 Uhr Wo: BYTEPOETS […]

How to get grub-reboot working™

Friday, May 10th, 2013

So while testing Proxmox VE 3.0 RC1 I had the need to reboot the system into a kernel version different than the one being the default in the bootloader GRUB. “lilo -R …” worked fine in the past, but with GRUB it’s not as trivial on the first sight to get its equivalent. I remembered […]

The #newinwheezy game: Grml packages in Debian/wheezy

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Following up on the #newinwheezy game: Debian/wheezy is the first Debian release which ships packages from the Grml system. Grml became an official Debian Derivative and I’m very happy that three major projects of Grml found their official way into Debian: grml2usb: install Grml system / ISO to usb device grml-debootstrap: wrapper around debootstrap for […]

The #newinwheezy game: new forensic packages in Debian/wheezy

Monday, April 29th, 2013

Debian/wheezy includes a bunch of packages for people interested in digital forensics. The packages maintained within the Debian Forensics team which are shipped with the upcoming Debian/wheezy stable release for the first time in a Debian release are: dc3dd: patched version of GNU dd with forensic features extundelete: utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 […]

OSDC 2013: Folien zu Continuous Integration im Rechenzentrum

Friday, April 19th, 2013

Ich bin zurück von der Open Source Data Center Conference 2013, sehr schön war es. Die Vortragsfolien zu meinem Vortrag “Continuous Integration im Rechenzentrum” habe ich soeben hochgeladen: PDF (4,4MB)

ldmtool: accessing Microsoft Windows dynamic disks from Linux

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Linux is a great platform for dealing with all kinds of different file systems, partition tables etc. But one of the few annoying situations when working in IT forensics are Microsoft Windows dynamic disks, AKA LDM (Logical Disk Manager). Thanks to libldm’s ldmtool this is no longer true. A short demonstration from a real-life IT […]

Event: OSDC 2013

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

I’ll be speaker at the Open Source Data Center Conference 2013 in Nuremberg/Germany on 17th and 18th April, talking about Continuous Integration/Delivery in the data-center. I was speaking at OSDC back in 2009 and very much enjoyed the conference – so I’m totally looking forward to OSDC 2013, hope to see you there!

October 2012: recordings from several IT conferences available

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

In the last few days several IT events published recordings/slides from their events. I haven’t had the time to take a closer look at the material yet but there might be some gems among them so I thought it’s worth spreading the word: Devopsdays Rome/Italy 2012: videos from the talks PuppetConf 2012: videos from the […]

Jenkins: marking an upstream job as failed if its downstream job fails

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Since I’m not aware of a ready-to-go solution, this issue once again came up at a company where I’m doing Jenkins/CI consulting for and the solution involves some trickiness you need to be aware of I’m hereby documenting it. If you have a build pipeline inside your Jenkins setup you might have so called upstream […]

How geeks celebrate a birthday AKA bin2dec

Thursday, August 30th, 2012

Far away from Rosetta Code, but that’s what Frank and I came up with when explaining 100000₂: Guile: guile <<< \#b100000 guile -c ‘((@@ (ice-9 format) format) #t “~d~%” #b100000)’ Racket: racket -e ‘#b100000’ Ruby: ruby -e ‘puts “100000”.to_i(2)’ Python: python -c ‘print int(“100000”, 2)’ Perl: perl -e ‘print 0b100000’ Zsh: zsh -c ‘print $((2#100000))’ […]

jenkins-debian-glue: Continuous Integration for Debian and Ubuntu made easy

Monday, August 27th, 2012

jenkins-debian-glue is an open source project of mine which recently celebrated its first birthday and it’s time to finally write about it. jenkins-debian-glue allows you to build Debian and Ubuntu packages directly from the Jenkins continuous integration system. It retrieves package sources from a version control repository, adjusts debian/changelog (handle version number + mention changes […]