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Archive for the 'Computer' Category

Usage of Ansible for Continuous Configuration Management

Saturday, December 16th, 2017

It all started with a tweet of mine: I received quite some feedback since then and I’d like to iterate on this. I’m a puppet user since ~2008 and since ~2015 also ansible is part of my sysadmin toolbox. Recently certain ansible setups I’m involved in grew faster than I’d like to see, both in […]

Grml 2017.05 – Codename Freedatensuppe

Wednesday, June 14th, 2017

The Debian stretch release is going to happen soon (on 2017-06-17) and since our latest Grml release is based on a very recent version of Debian stretch I’m taking this as opportunity to announce it also here. So by the end of May we released a new stable release of Grml (the Debian based live […]

The #newinstretch game: dbgsym packages in Debian/stretch

Friday, May 26th, 2017

Debug packages include debug symbols and so far were usually named <package>-dbg in Debian. Those packages are essential if you’ve to debug failing (especially: crashing) programs. Since December 2015 Debian has automatic dbgsym packages, being built by default. Those packages are available as <package>-dbgsym, so starting with Debian/stretch you should no longer look for -dbg […]

The #newinstretch game: new forensic packages in Debian/stretch

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

Repeating what I did for the last Debian releases with the #newinwheezy and #newinjessie games it’s time for the #newinstretch game: Debian/stretch AKA Debian 9.0 will include a bunch of packages for people interested in digital forensics. The packages maintained within the Debian Forensics team which are new in the Debian/stretch release as compared to […]

Debian stretch: changes in util-linux #newinstretch

Friday, May 19th, 2017

We’re coming closer to the Debian/stretch stable release and similar to what we had with #newinwheezy and #newinjessie it’s time for #newinstretch! Hideki Yamane already started the game by blogging about GitHub’s Icon font, fonts-octicons and Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote a nice article about nftables in Debian/stretch. One package that isn’t new but its tools […]

Debugging a mystery: ssh causing strange exit codes?

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Recently we had a WTF moment at a customer of mine which is worth sharing. In an automated deployment procedure we’re installing Debian systems and setting up MySQL HA/Scalability. Installation of the first node works fine, but during installation of the second node something weird is going on. Even though the deployment procedure reported that […]

Event: Digitaldialog Privacy

Friday, November 25th, 2016

Digitaldialog ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe der Steirischen Wirtschaftsförderung SFG. Am Dienstag den 29.11. findet der Digitaldialog zum Thema Privacy statt. Ich wurde eingeladen an der Podiumsdiskussion teilzunehmen und freue mich auf interessante Fragen aus dem Publikum. :) Weitere Informationen zum Event gibt es auf der SFG-Website und im Event-Flyer (PDF). Datum: Dienstag, 29.11.2016 ab 16:00 Uhr […]

systemd backport of v230 available for Debian/jessie

Thursday, July 28th, 2016

At DebConf 16 I was working on a systemd backport for Debian/jessie. Results are officially available via the Debian archive now. In Debian jessie we have systemd v215 (which originally dates back to 2014-07-03 upstream-wise, plus changes + fixes from pkg-systemd folks of course). Now via Debian backports you have the option to update systemd […]

DebConf16 in Capetown/South Africa: Lessons learnt

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

DebConf 16 in Capetown/South Africa was fantastic for many reasons. My Capetown/South Africa/Culture/Flight related lessons: Avoid flying on Sundays (especially in/from Austria where plenty of hotlines are closed on Sundays or at least not open when you need them) Actually turn back your seat on the flight when trying to sleep and not forget that […]

My talk at OSDC 2016: Continuous Integration in Data Centers – Further 3 Years Later

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

Open Source Data Center Conference (OSDC) was a pleasure and great event, Netways clearly knows how to run a conference. This year at OSDC 2016 I gave a talk titled “Continuous Integration in Data Centers – Further 3 Years Later“. The slides from this talk are available online (PDF, 6.2MB). Thanks to Netways folks also […]

Event: DebConf 16

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Yes, I’m going to DebConf 16! This year DebConf – the Debian Developer Conference – will take place in Cape Town, South Africa. Outbound: 2016-06-26 15:40 VIE -> 17:10 LHR BA0703 2016-06-26 21:30 LHR -> 09:55 CPT BA0059 Inbound: 2016-07-09 19:30 CPT –> 06:15 LHR BA0058 2016-07-10 07:55 LHR –> 11:05 VIE BA0696

Event: OSDC 2016

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

Open Source Data Center Conference (OSDC) is a conference on open source software in data centers and huge IT environments and will take place in Berlin/Germany in April 2016. I will give a talk titled “Continuous Integration in Data Centers – Further 3 Years Later” there. I gave a talk titled “Continuous Integration in data […]

mur.strom: Podcast über Debian

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

mur.strom ist ein Podcast aus Graz rund um Technologie und Gesellschaft. Am 6. Jänner wurde eine neue Folge veröffentlicht, in der es um das Debian-Projekt geht. Sebastian Ramacher und ich waren die Interview-Gäste, viel Spaß beim Hören der ~1h 43 Minuten:

DebConf15: “Continuous Delivery of Debian packages” talk

Monday, August 24th, 2015

At the Debian Conference 2015 I gave a talk about Continuous Delivery of Debian packages. My slides are available online (PDF, 753KB). Thanks to the fantastic video team there’s also a recording of the talk available: WebM (471MB) and on YouTube.

HAProxy with Debian/squeeze clients causing random “Hash Sum mismatch”

Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

Update on 2015-07-02 22:15 UTC: as Petter Reinholdtsen noted in the comments: Try adding /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90squid with content like this: Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth 0; It turn off the feature in apt confusing proxies. ” – this indeed avoids those “Hash Sum mismatch” failures with HAProxy as well. Thanks, Petter! Many of you might know apt’s “Hash Sum mismatch” […]

The #newinjessie game: tools related to RPM packages

Monday, May 4th, 2015

Continuing the #newinjessie game: Bernhard Miklautz, contributor to jenkins-debian-glue and author of jenkins-package-builder (being in an early stage but under active development to provide support for building RPMs, similar to what jenkins-debian-glue provides for building Debian/Ubuntu packages) pointed out that there are new tools related to RPM packaging available in Debian/jessie: mock: Build rpm packages […]

GLT15: Slides of my “Debian 8 aka jessie, what’s new” talk

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

I wasn’t sure whether I would make it to Linuxdays Graz (GLT15) this year so I didn’t participate in its call for lectures. But when meeting folks on the evening before the main event I came up with the idea of giving a lightning talk as special kind of celebrating the Debian jessie release. So […]

The #newinjessie game: new forensic packages in Debian/jessie

Friday, April 24th, 2015

Repeating what I did for the last Debian release with the #newinwheezy game it’s time for the #newinjessie game: Debian/jessie AKA Debian 8.0 includes a bunch of packages for people interested in digital forensics. The packages maintained within the Debian Forensics team which are new in the Debian/jessie stable release as compared to Debian/wheezy (and […]

check-mk: monitor switches for GBit links

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

For one of our customers we are using the Open Monitoring Distribution which includes Check_MK as monitoring system. We’re monitoring the switches (Cisco) via SNMP. The switches as well as all the servers support GBit connections, though there are some systems in the wild which are still operating at 100MBit (or even worse on 10MBit). […]

Installing Debian in UEFI mode with some stunts

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

For a recent customer setup of Debian/wheezy on a IBM x3630 M4 server we used my blog entry “State of the art Debian/wheezy deployments with GRUB and LVM/SW-RAID/Crypto” as a base. But this time we wanted to use (U)EFI instead of BIOS legacy boot. As usual we went for installing via Grml and grml-debootstrap. We […]