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Archive for July, 2007

Use root=UUID on NSLU2

Friday, July 27th, 2007

As I wrote a few monce ago I’m owner of a NSLU2 device powered by Debian. Now I had to install another device (using di-nslu2-etch-4.0r0.bin – md5: db8e8ec3571aff8fb2132479f860f16b this time) and I wanted to change the setup from using /dev/sda2 to a UUID based one – to get a stable root device. Nothing really tricky […]

Linux on the Lenovo Thinkpad X61s

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Since about two days I’m proud owner of a Lenovo X61s notebook. It will become my main and new developer box for grml, featuring all that nifty stuff like 64bit support, hardware virtualization and so on… I managed to use all the important features with a very current version of grml. I’m using kernel 2.6.22-grml […]

Setting up your own jabber server: ejabberd

Friday, July 27th, 2007

It was on my todo list since ages, finally I took some minutes to set up my own jabber server (reach me at I’m using ejabberd, a free and open source instant messaging server written in Erlang. Reference system: Debian etch (current stable), ejabberd version 1.1.2-6, installed via a simple: # aptitude install ejabberd […]

Froscon 2007

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Die FrOSCon ist eine zweitägige Konferenz rund um die Themen Freie Software und Open Source, die am 25. und 26. August 2007 bereits zum zweiten Mal an der Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin bei Bonn in Deutschland stattfindet. Meine eingereichten Vorträge wurden angenommen und somit halte ich auf der FrOSCon einen Vortrag über grml – […]

Find out what users request…

Saturday, July 14th, 2007

One of the coolest features of grml IMO is grml-tips. grml-tips is a collection of tips you can request via a keyword. For example if you want to know how to use grml-x just run ‘grml-tips grml-x’: mika@meilenschwein ~ % grml-tips grml-x Start X window system (XFree86 / Xorg / % grml-x $WINDOWMANAGER Usage […]

Und noch ein idiotischer Dialog…

Friday, July 13th, 2007

Gefunden im Zuge der Cisco VPN Client-Installation auf Windows XP:

VirtualBox + USB

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

Running hot off the press 2.6.22-grml I took a look at the current version of VirtualBox. And I’m really amazed how responsive it is. Not only booting grml is rocking fast but also typing on the console is reaaaally fast – much more responsive than with VMware. (I took a look at VirtualBox several months […]

Stuff you don’t want to read

Wednesday, July 11th, 2007

This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of CyberTAN Inc. the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or duplicated in any form without the prior written permission of CyberTAN Inc. This software should be used as a reference only, and it not intended for production use! Found in HTML source […]