We Are Morons: a quick look at the Win2k source
Wednesday, February 18th, 2004http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/2/15/71552/7795 – We Are Morons: a quick look at the Win2k source
http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/2/15/71552/7795 – We Are Morons: a quick look at the Win2k source
Today I set up Fedora-Linux on my box at work on the new harddisc. Setting up was quite easy, but I have to become used to the rpm-stuff ;). Looks like it would work fine, but some things didn’t work as they should (Printer-Setup via SMB-Share, there was no ntfs-module available for mounting NTFS-partitions – […]
Sorry, but spamarrest really sucks. I hate this procedure of whitelisting to be able to send people mails because they use this kind of crap.
http://www.dfn-cert.de/events/ws/2004/ – Vortragsfolien
http://www.fingerworks.com/MacNTouch_product.html (thx for the pointer karl!)
http://www.foebud.org/texte/aktion/rfid/positionspapier.pdf – Informationspaper des FoeBuD (Verein zur Förderung des öffentlichen bewegten und unbewegten Datenverkehrs e.V) zum Thema RFID
I wrote down my opion on orkut: http://michael-prokop.at/orkut/. Yes, I really (at least till now) like orkut.
I wrote down my opinion on blogs: http://michael-prokop.at/blog/comment.html
http://www-student.cs.uni-bonn.de/~hillenko/geschwindigkeitsuebertretung.pdf – german only
I updated Thunderbird at work from 0.4 to 0.5 and now “Use secure authentication” does not work anymore (but “Use secure connection” works still – puh). And the windows-Enigmail-Plugin did not work so I had to install the “general” one. Argl! At least Firefox (AKA Firebird 0.8 – I hate this renaming stuff!) works as […]
Ok, today I got my order from rotation.at with a Samsung harddisc (for backups at work), a papst-cooler and a northbridge cooler (ZM-NB47J). First of all I could not remove the existing cooling element on the active northbridge-cooler from the motherboard, at least I could remove the active cooler and I placed the papst-cooler in […]
I have created some communities on orkut (at.linux, klagenfurt, Lugg, pekwm) and invited some friends. My profile is becoming bigger and bigger (and orkut has some load-problems )”The requested URL could not be retrieved. Please try back in a few minutes.” ;-))). Tim Pritlove wrote some words about orkut. I think orkut has some potential […]
Today I got my DVDs “Super Drumming Vol.1”, “Pat Metheny Group – Speaking of now live”, “GPG All-Star Live From the Record Plant” and the CD-ROM “Dave Grusin – Presents GRP All-Star Big Band LIVE!”. Man, really great :)
Yes, I also have an orkut-account (username: mikap) because Sven Guckes invited me to join. Hm, don’t know wheter it is really useful – let’s check out.
I was kind of offline for the last few days and it was really recovering :). I went for skiing at Nassfeld for one day (33 Euro – puh), weather was great (except the storm at midday which seems to have caused a cold – grml!) and it was fun! But being offline does not […]
Today I set up a FreeBSD-box at work. It was hard work because FreeBSD needed the disk-values from BIOS but with activated harddisk it did not boot from CD-ROM. Ok, finally it worked and now it’s running: [mika@bufo: ~]% uname -imrs FreeBSD 5.2.1-RC i386 GENERIC [mika@bufo: ~]% df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted […]
Yes, XMMS randomizer sucks – bugs at xmms.org (pointers by Karl Voit) – possible solution: [mika@tweety: ~]% apt-cache show imms | sed -ne “/Description/,/\./p” Description: Unobtrusive, automatic, and learning XMMS playlist manager IMMS is an intelligent playlist plug-in for XMMS that tracks your listening patterns and dynamically adapts to your taste. [mika@tweety: ~]%
Warum ich glaube, dass meine Ausbildung zur Softwarekrise beiträgt – von Ferdinand Altnöder (Filetype: PDF)
Dave Shea created (based on some stats) a list of the relevant browsers in the year 2004: http://www.mezzoblue.com/archives/2004/02/02/browser_supp/