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Summary of the last few days

I was kind of offline for the last few days and it was really recovering :). I went for skiing at Nassfeld for one day (33 Euro – puh), weather was great (except the storm at midday which seems to have caused a cold – grml!) and it was fun! But being offline does not mean not to fix computers ;) – I set up the computer from my brother and I used Knoppix due to a missing internet-connection (debian would be more than old ;-)). My FreeBSD-machine is still up and running, in the next few days I would like to set up a real IPv6 network (my computers are IPv6-ready but I did not use it till now) at home and maybe even at work. Now I have to catch up all the newsgroups and my mailboxes (fetchmail was running via cronjob to prevent problems with mailbox-quotas ;-)).

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