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CPU cooler

Ok, today I got my order from with a Samsung harddisc (for backups at work), a papst-cooler and a northbridge cooler (ZM-NB47J). First of all I could not remove the existing cooling element on the active northbridge-cooler from the motherboard, at least I could remove the active cooler and I placed the papst-cooler in front of it. I hope there are no problems with temperature ;-(. But: the noise is still present. I would like to have a more quiet PC and now I compile 2.6.3-rc2 with cpufreq enabled. I hope my computer will be more quiet then. If it does not help I think I must buy a zalman-cooler and a cooling element for my P4. grml, f****** noises!
Uodate: 2.6.3-rc2 seems to have a problem with e1000, so I changed to 2.6.2 and it works fine. But cpudyn does not work:

grml:/home/mika# modprobe acpi
FATAL: Error inserting acpi (/lib/modules/2.6.2/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/acpi.ko): No such device
grml:/home/mika# cpudynd 
cpudynd version 0.4.8 Copyright: Ricardo Galli <>
cpudynd: CPU frequency control disabled
Error: Nothing to do, exiting

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