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Archive for the 'Allgemein' Category

Chemnitzer LinuxTag 2004 – back

Monday, March 8th, 2004

I am at home again since one hour past midnight. Chemnitzer LinuxTag was really great and together with Thorsten and Jimmy it was fun :-). I’ll write a (german) report in the next few days. Mails, newsgroups, university, work and projects are calling for me ;-) Update: The (german) CLT2004-Report is online: 2nd Update: […]

Chemnitzer LinuxTag 2004

Friday, March 5th, 2004

CLT 2004 is going to start tomorrow. Today I will go to a “Ausstands-Feier” (some special kind of party ;)) and tommorow we (Jimmy, Thorsten and me) will drive to Chemnitz by car early in the morning. So I should prepare my baggage now :)


Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004

Today I am really tired. Yesterday I went to bed at around 2 o’clock because of Security Treff Graz. First of all I felt asleep in a very boring softskills-lecture at university, profile-migration on the windows-box (from local to serverside) at work was really ###censored###. The only ray of hope was the lecturer of “control […]

blog layout

Thursday, February 19th, 2004

Ok, maybe you noticed (anyone reading this blog out there? ;-)) that I changed the layout of the blog a little bit. Well, I removed the TrackBack and PingBack stuff a few days ago, today I (again) changed some CSS-stuff – hope it looks ok for you :-). Ok, now I have to study… for […]

FreeBSD – and again :)

Thursday, February 19th, 2004

[mika@bufo: ~/Source]% uptime 12:02AM up 12 days, 9:51, 1 user, load averages: 0.14, 0.08, 0.03 [mika@bufo: ~/Source]% Still running and I tried to compile some small c-programs for the university-lecture “datastructures and algorithms” on the BSD-box – worked of course ;-). What was curious and new for me is the fact that I had to […]

RFID (german)

Friday, February 13th, 2004 – Informationspaper des FoeBuD (Verein zur Förderung des öffentlichen bewegten und unbewegten Datenverkehrs e.V) zum Thema RFID


Friday, February 13th, 2004

I wrote down my opion on orkut: Yes, I really (at least till now) like orkut.

blogs – some thoughts

Thursday, February 12th, 2004

I wrote down my opinion on blogs:


Wednesday, February 11th, 2004

I have created some communities on orkut (at.linux, klagenfurt, Lugg, pekwm) and invited some friends. My profile is becoming bigger and bigger (and orkut has some load-problems )”The requested URL could not be retrieved. Please try back in a few minutes.” ;-))). Tim Pritlove wrote some words about orkut. I think orkut has some potential […]


Tuesday, February 10th, 2004

Today I got my DVDs “Super Drumming Vol.1”, “Pat Metheny Group – Speaking of now live”, “GPG All-Star Live From the Record Plant” and the CD-ROM “Dave Grusin – Presents GRP All-Star Big Band LIVE!”. Man, really great :)


Tuesday, February 10th, 2004

Yes, I also have an orkut-account (username: mikap) because Sven Guckes invited me to join. Hm, don’t know wheter it is really useful – let’s check out.

Summary of the last few days

Tuesday, February 10th, 2004

I was kind of offline for the last few days and it was really recovering :). I went for skiing at Nassfeld for one day (33 Euro – puh), weather was great (except the storm at midday which seems to have caused a cold – grml!) and it was fun! But being offline does not […]

Browser Support 2004

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004

Dave Shea created (based on some stats) a list of the relevant browsers in the year 2004:


Sunday, February 1st, 2004

Jimmy im ICQ: Mist, mydoom hat SCO lahmgelegt, aber nicht MS :-( Gut, daß ich mydoom doch entfernt habe. Als ich hörte, daß er DoS gegen MS fahren soll hab ich mich gleich gefragt, wo ich den mydoom runterladen kann ;-)

slides with prosper

Monday, January 26th, 2004

I made 25 slides for my using the power of google”-lecture on GLT04 with prosper (a LaTeX class for writing transparencies). I discovered prosper-make while writing a Makefile for transformation of my slides to html, prosper-make works like a charm! I improved my LaTeX-skills while writing mika.sty ;) for setting my own footers within the […]

Sorry ;)

Wednesday, January 21st, 2004

Yepp, I know I did not keep my blog up2date in the last day – sorry but had (and still have) to to a lot of stuff. First of all a lot to do at work (different stuff), organization for Grazer LinuxTage 2004 and university also requests some time ;)

eclipse & turn of the year

Thursday, January 1st, 2004

eclipse – very nice piece of software! Nice tab-completion, great refactoring and so on. I just installed the latest-build (version 3.x) and it works fine, but you definitely need a fast computer ;-) BTW: turn of the year was funny for me (I was visiting familiy of my girlfriend) – but tomorrow I am going […]

castration of Rubeo

Thursday, December 18th, 2003

Our cat Rubeo was desexed today ;) He is sleeping all day long :)

OpenSource-Labor in Styria

Monday, December 15th, 2003

The OpenSource-Lab @ TU Graz where I am going to work (maybe) is mentioned in Webstandard (german only – sorry).

Funeral :(

Friday, December 12th, 2003

My grandmother died on the 10th of december :(( On the 13th is funeral in Klagenfurt so I am driving to my hometown for one day together with my girfgriend (our cat Rubeo has to stay alone for some hours).