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Archive for March, 2014

kamailio-deb-jenkins: Open Source Jenkins setup for Debian Packaging

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Kamailio is an Open Source SIP Server. Since beginning of March 2014 a new setup for Kamailio‘s Debian packages is available. Development of this setup is sponsored by Sipwise and I am responsible for its infrastructure part (Jenkins, EC2, jenkins-debian-glue). The setup includes support for building Debian packages for Debian 5 (lenny), 6 (squeeze), 7 […]

Building Debian+Ubuntu packages on EC2

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

In a project I recently worked on we wanted to provide a jenkins-debian-glue based setup on Amazon’s EC2 for building Debian and Ubuntu packages. The idea is to keep a not-so-strong powered Jenkins master up and running 24×7, while stronger machines serving as Jenkins slaves should be launched only as needed. The project setup in […]

Jenkins on-demand slave selection through labels

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Problem description: One of my customers had a problem with their Selenium tests in the Jenkins continuous integration system. While Perl’s Test::WebDriver still worked just fine the Selenium tests using Ruby’s selenium-webdriver suddenly reported failures. The problem was caused by Debian wheezy’s upgrade of the Iceweasel web browser. Debian originally shipped Iceweasel version 17.0.10esr-1~deb7u1 in […]