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Archive for October, 2012

October 2012: recordings from several IT conferences available

Saturday, October 13th, 2012

In the last few days several IT events published recordings/slides from their events. I haven’t had the time to take a closer look at the material yet but there might be some gems among them so I thought it’s worth spreading the word: Devopsdays Rome/Italy 2012: videos from the talks PuppetConf 2012: videos from the […]

Jenkins: marking an upstream job as failed if its downstream job fails

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

Since I’m not aware of a ready-to-go solution, this issue once again came up at a company where I’m doing Jenkins/CI consulting for and the solution involves some trickiness you need to be aware of I’m hereby documenting it. If you have a build pipeline inside your Jenkins setup you might have so called upstream […]