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7 days offline: skiing!

Yes, no joke. I was offline and did not touch computers for 7 days – whooo! :-) I was on holidays: skiing at Nassfeld (Carinthia/Austria) with my girlfriend and her family. Weather was perfect (expect for half a day on wednesday), ski piste and snow were great. We went skiing for about 6 hours a day, starting at about 8:45pm and going home at about 4am. Some pics of my holiday are available online.

BTW: Sorry for downtime of my server’s database (including my blog) but a spammer attacked my server excactly one day after I went on holidays. Thanks go to Jimmy who checked my server for the important services for several domains. Expect the database stuff everything should have worked during my holidays (my full++ mailbox says ‘yes’ too ;-)).

I just arrived at home in Klagenfurt and try to clean up my mailbox, check news & CO. Now I’ve to prepare my grml-workshop for Linuxday Klagenfurt on 22nd of february. I’m back at work. :-)

One Response to “7 days offline: skiing!”

  1. mp Says:

    Very nice pictures. You seem to have much fun there :-)