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mutt-ng: ak in the news

ak’s mutt-ng project is in the news: german article in the Linux User magazine 2005/03. Great!

mutt-ng is a fork of the well-known email client mutt with the
goal to both incorporate all the patches that are floating around
in the web, and to fix all the other little annoyances of mutt.

I’m mentioning mutt-ng because as it looks like not all mutt-users noticed the existence of the project. As soon as Andi mentioned his fork, development of mutt went on (take a look at the changelog of mutt [no not debian’s version of mutt which is outdated]). I’m looking forward to release 0.1 of mutt-ng (I’m already maintaining (local) debs of mutt-ng’s svn-trunk), but please take a timeout, Andi!

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