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I’m still alive

No, I’m not dead. I’ve had a high load in the last few days, especially because of the upcoming grml-release 0.1. The todo list was quite long and most of it has been done now. Just some annoying bugs are left and I’ll try to fix them till monday (then the CD for OS04 will be burned). Besides that I’ve to finish my essay on stream ciphers for university till monday. And finally many new people in dormitory are asking for computer support. ;-(

Together with my girlfriend I’m attending to USI Graz (institut for sports at university) this semester . We’re playing table tennis and jumping trampoline once a week. (Achtung: Trampolin Springen und nicht Trampolin Hupfen! ;-)) Table tennis sucks a little bit – too many people and till now we even did not play with any trainer – grml. Jumping trampoline is much more fun. Nice people (many girls!;-)) and jumping is just fun. I hope my back is still alive after this semester. ;-)

BTW: You might have noticed the downtimes of my server. Sorry for that. The provider (domke) of my provider (pronet) is part of a fusion with Plusserver. And to keep it short: it just sucks. AFAIK my provider will leave Domke/Plusserver in the next few days and as it looks like I’ll get my very own rootserver. Hurray!

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