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gems: Shows a console session in several terminals

I just stumbled over gems at debaday:

mika@grml ~ % apt-cache show gems | sed -ne "/^Description/,/^$/p"
Description: Shows a console session in several terminals
 The gems system is a client/server application that allows to show a single
 console session in different computers or terminals in real time.
 It can also be used to transmit any other kind of data to more than one
 computer at the same time, via a network connection.
 It was designed as an educational tool for teachers that have to show in
 a computer lab how to do certain things with the console. Using the
 gems system, each student can observe in his/her own terminal everything the
 teacher does.

I just tested it and it’s very easy to use, easier to use than the multiuser feature of GNU screen. Nice :-)

5 Responses to “gems: Shows a console session in several terminals”

  1. bnerd Says:

    screen -x …

    ’nuff said.

  2. mika Says:

    @bnerd: Danke, weiss ich wohl. ;)

    Und davor addacl $USER, multiuser on und dann machen wir das Ganze noch readonly….

  3. nion Says:

    :) gems ist wirklich nett. und klein.

  4. Marcel Says:

    screen -x dacht ich mir auch als ich debaday gelesen hab … aber vielleicht test ichs inner ruhigen minute mal

  5. Doomshammer Says:

    Klingt recht interessant :)
    Danke fuer den Tipp!