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version control systems

As you maybe noticed Martin Pool got hired by Canonical (the company sponsoring Ubuntu-Linux) for developing a new version control system. The new system is known as bazaar-ng and “The charter is to build a distributed version-control system that open-source hackers will love to use.” I just read Martin’s version control section in his blog where I found some very interesting pointers.

There already exist several versioning systems like GNU arch [AKA tla] (a distributed versioning system), darcs (decentralized but easy to use rcs), subversion (“the newer CVS”)/submaster (a system for distributed software development based on svn)/svk (written in Perl using the subversion filesystem) and monotone (with fully disconnected operation and an efficient peer-to-peer synchronization protocol).

However, I’m looking forward to be able to run ‘apt-get install bazaar-ng’. :-)

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