Don't understand german? Read or subscribe to my english-only feed. not free or charge anymore

Effective from April 1st, 2005, use of News.Individual.NET will not be free of
charge anymore. The news service will continue as a fee-based service. The
fee for an account for News.Individual.NET is 10 EUR per year (annual
payment), that converts to only 0.84 EUR per month.

Bad news IMO. :-( It’s not the fee of 10 Euro per year which I don’t like but the fact that I would have to get an account at firstgate. ;-(

news.individual (currently) provides 24063 newsgroups, the free alternative available inside from aconet/VCG (nntp:// provides 15391 newsgroups. I just switched my slrn-setup back to the aconews-server. I used the aconews-server some time ago but the server administration was not as perfect as the one at news.invidual. But let’s give it another try for the next few weeks. BTW: If you have any other suggestions please let me know them :-)

Taking the chance I also updated slrn to patchlevel 1 (the current cvs-tree seems to be older *grml*!) including my patches. Applying them still works (getting just a few hunks), expect an updated patch/version as soon as slrn gets released (I’m not sure whether my patches will find the way to mainstream source this time).

2 Responses to “ not free or charge anymore”

  1. Philipp Klein Says:

    What about :)

  2. mika Says:

    I don’t want to use a german mailaddress (I’m from austria!!!!1!). ;-)