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Microsoft stupidity

*While setting up PPTP and the TV-Card on my brothers computer I downloaded Monado – the Microsoft Shell [MSH]. And I had to use the Internet Exploder because of the great (haha) “Microsoft File Transfer Manager”-feature. No chance to download the .exe with Opera, Firefox or Konqueror – you just don’t get a connection to the server. *d’oh*

Being back at work today I was setting up Service Pack 2 on my Windows XP Box (which I haven’t used for more than 4 months now). I also installed the .NET-Framework and MSH. It’s awful slow on my box. I just took some screenshots.

There does not exist any useful documentation for MSH besides the internal help and some blogs. So I started to download “The .NET Show: Longhorn Fundamentals”. I was able to get it with opera but guess what’s the file type? dotnetshow43_300k.EXE. So no chance to use the movie outside a microsoft operating system. Ok, let’s uncompress the file and see what’s inside:

MSH>gch dotnetshow*

    Directory: FileSystem::E:Microsoft

Mode    LastWriteTime     Length Name
----    -------------     ------ ----
-a---   Okt 01 12:22   246.395,K dotnetshow43_300k.EXE
-a---   Jun 08 09:15   250.608,K dotnetshow43_300k.wmv



2 Responses to “Microsoft stupidity”

  1. mp Says:

    I think files are only available as EXEs because they are digitally signed which is a general Microsoft policy.

    btw: Dea deppate Ka-Spam-Check geht ma oba schon so wos von auf die Eia, daß i da des goar nit sogn konn!

  2. Michael Prokop Says:

    But extracting a file >=240MiB sucks. Something like a md5sum or PGP-signature would be sufficient IMO. Especially for files being no software. You get powerpoint-stuff unsigned on, so why not a movie-file?