grml + CO: Current status…
My load is quite high. I’m working for OS04 (Open Source Event on 22th of october in Graz) and therefor miss the Gilmore Girls in the afternoon (*grml*). I
should study for an exam and grml takes the rest of my time. And of course I should prepare my slides for my lecture on grml @ OS04.
Some news on grml: Andreas Gredler and Daniel K. Gebhart joined the grml-team. It looks like grml won’t accomplish the DFSG (Debian Free Software Guidelines) at all because we’ll integrate mplayer. And now we can present a final roadmap for the first releases: Version 0.1 will be available on OS04 (also via web of course). A public bughunter release (0.09) should be available on the burning event in Kunstlabor Graz on 4th of october.