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Some blogstats

I wanted to know which (rss)readers people use for reading my blog. I created some stats based on logs from 26 july to 20th of august:

RSS-Reader                    | Counts
""            | 8
"BlogPulse                    | 123
"centericq/4.10.0"            | 16408
"centericq/4.10.1"            | 4962
"centericq/4.11.0"            | 495
"centericq/4.9.10"            | 4308
"centericq/4.9.12"            | 18436
"Feedreader"                  | 27055
"Feedster                     | 386
"Gnus/5.10.6                  | 32
"Googlebot/2.1                | 5976
"ia_archiver"                 | 1
"Java/1.4.1_02"               | 51
"Java/1.4.1_05"               | 7
"LinkWalker"                  | 430
"Mediapartners-Google2.1"     | 51
"mm-url"                      | 20262
"Mozilla/4.0                  | 8073
"Mozilla/5.0                  | 70061
"msnbot/0.11                  | 2712
"NetNewsWire/1.0.8            | 2295
"Opera/7.51                   | 148
"Opera/7.52                   | 147
"Opera/7.53                   | 10480
"Opera/7.54                   | 1431
"PHP                          | 110
"                   | 3040
"rssfetch                     | 20957
"Seekbot/1.0                  | 50
"Snownews/1.5.3               | 6693
"Syndic8/1.0                  | 2547
"UniversalFeedParser/3.0-fc-1 | 14
"W3C_Validator/1.305.2.148    | 16
"Wget/1.9.1"                  | 301
"Wget/1.9-beta-unoff"         | 56
"   | 438

Mozilla/5.0 includes browsers like MSIE 6.0 andKonqueror/3.2 but also Mozilla itself.

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