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Holding lecture in Ludwigsburg

As it seems I am going to be a trainer at ‘2004 KDE Community World Summit’ in Ludwigsburg/Germany on 25th of august together with Sven Guckes. We are holding a workshop about “Überleben auf dem Terminal”. Would be nice if it worked out!

One Response to “Holding lecture in Ludwigsburg”

  1. arved Says:

    Hm, and what does it have to do with KDE?

    There are a lot of nifty things you can do with KDE on a terminal, like communicating via dcop, or you can even write simple KDE Applications with Kdialog in Shellscript.
    Oh, and btw Konsole is my favorite KDE program, which has also tons of unknown features.
    If I had more time for KDE, I would attend aKademy….