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Firewire – capturing movies

Today my brother gave me the digital videocamera from my father and because we would like to create some movies about our cat Rubeo I tried to use the camera with linux. Some weeks ago I bought a firewire-cable and so I connected the camera with my laptop, loaded the kernelmodules dv1394, ohci1394, raw1394, ieee1394 and started a program called kino. And hey – I just works as it should! Not a single problem and even a first try with mencoder works:

[mika@tweety: ~/tmp]% mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -o output.avi -nosound ~/mikasvideo.dv
[mika@tweety: ~/tmp]% ls -lah output.avi
-rw-r--r--    1 mika     mika         3,6M 2004-02-25 23:42 output.avi
[mika@tweety: ~/tmp]%

I am absolutely fascinated by it’s simplicity and now I want to improve my knowledge about the possibilties with mencoder :-)

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