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Starting slrn with newsserver brings more than 150 new mailinglists – pfuh. And which one is on top of it? gmane.linux.debian.devel.custom – a sign from heaven? 8-)

Ok, in the next days I’ll continue my work on grml (besides working at university and writing slides for GLT04).

My question to the audience: which texttool(s) would like to see in grml? Of course vim, mutt, slrn, zsh and tools like netcat, awk, grep, sed are included in grml. But which ones would you like to see? A diff between a knoppix’ ‘dpkg –get-selections’ and a grml’s one is quite long, but I want to avoid forgetting nice tools ;-) Your input is welcome!

6 Responses to “grml”

  1. arved Says:


    And you should not forget a browser like lynx

  2. mika Says:

    nano (a pico-clone) and of course lynx, links/elinks and w3m are on board :-)

  3. mp Says:

    Don’t forget KDE. It has nice substitutes for the text tools you mentioned.

  4. mika Says:

    apt-get remove kde\*
    apt-get remove gtk\*

  5. mp Says:

    I think you are a windows user – who else would use \ in unix commands.

  6. mika Says:

    I thin^Wknow you don’t know how to handle a unix-shell.