fish: und noch eine Shell
“fish is a user friendly shell intended mostly for interactive use.”
Und das “user friendly” scheint auf den ersten Blick zu stimmen. Zumindest für die grundlegensten Befehle ist eine hilfreiche Completion vorhanden, das Syntaxhighlighting und “Klammernmatching” (match parenthesis) wirken auch nett. Wenn jetzt noch ‘help fish’ in deutsch wäre, könnte fish durchaus einigen Konsoleneinsteigern die Angst vor der Droge Konsole nehmen.
Wenn der Rechner unter hoher Load ist merkt man allerdings, dass die Performance (im Vergleich zur zsh z.B.) noch nicht so ganz der Hit ist , aber mal sehen. Und ganz bugfrei ist der Fish auch nicht:
mika@grml /tmp> cd /usr/local/man/man1 mika@grml /tmp> pwd /tmp mika@grml /tmp>
Der ITP (Intend To Package) für Debian ist übrigens auch schon raus.
May 24th, 2005 at 09:25
Ein noch blöderes Bild von einem Fisch hast du nicht gefunden? :-)
May 24th, 2005 at 09:36
> Ein noch blöderes Bild von einem Fisch hast du nicht gefunden? :-)
Das ist von der Projekthomepage. :-)
May 24th, 2005 at 15:15
Hi Mika,
If you find bugs in software in the future, you should consider writing a bug report about it, in addition to blogging about it… BTW, is there any chance that the directory you tried to switch to does not exist or that the user isn’t allowed to enter that directory? If so, you have tripped a known bug that causes the error message to dissapear. It is fixed in the latest release of fish, version 1.9.2.
And _I_ like the fish logo. :)
May 24th, 2005 at 20:34
> If you find bugs in software in the future, you should consider
> writing a bug report about it, in addition to blogging about it…
Sure, I just wanted to take a closer look at the problem before reporting a bug [and currently I’ve a quite high load ;-(].
> BTW, is there any chance that the directory you tried to switch to
> does not exist or that the user isn’t allowed to enter that
> directory? If so, you have tripped a known bug that causes the error > message to dissapear. It is fixed in the latest release of
> fish, version 1.9.2.
mika@grml /tmp> ls -la /usr/local/man/man1
ls: /usr/local/man/man1: Permission denied
mika@grml /tmp> dpkg -S /usr/local/man/man1
fish: /usr/local/man/man1
mika@grml /tmp>
Yepp :)
> And _I_ like the fish logo. :)
May 24th, 2005 at 22:28
Glad to hear it. Though since it seems it’s already fixed, you won’t have to report this one. ;-) But you also mentioned something about fish beeing slow, if my german isn’t too rusty. If you can pinpoint under what conditions fish takes a noticable time, please let me know and I will look into it.
May 24th, 2005 at 22:55
> But you also mentioned something about fish beeing slow, if my
> german isn’t too rusty. If you can pinpoint under what conditions
> fish takes a noticable time, please let me know and I will look
> into it.
You are right. :)
I’m one of those “I like pressing return-key between commands several times and also ctrl-l”-guys. While zsh is just responsive without any “flickering” fish behaves quite laggy. Just stay on the return-key for some seconds and see what I mean. Also cpu-load gets quite high in comparison with zsh in this case. And also compare “strace -p $PID_OF_FISH” with “strace -p $PID_OF_ZSH”. ;-)
HTH && thx4taking care,
May 25th, 2005 at 00:22
That was easy. fish now completely ignores a newline on an empty line. fish doesn’t even show up on top while holding down the enter key. Any more performance issues? :-D