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mp3player: bought it

As you maybe remember I was searching for a mp3player for my girlfriend.

Finally we bought one dnt Fun256 for my girlfriend and another one for her brother.

The funny thing: one of my brothers also bought a mp3player a few months ago and he has the same one but only with 128MB of memory. 8-)

It seems to fit very well for my girlfriend. Easy to use with linux via usb-storage:

/dev/sda1     /mp3player/ vfat   defaults,user,noauto,uid=chris,gid=chris 0 0

What I could not solve yet is how to listen to the voice-recording-tracks, that’s what I get:

chris@huber:/tmp$ file vi003.voc
vi003.voc: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, mono 8000 Hz

xmms, mplayer, sox and mpg123 can’t handle it. :-(

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